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What SPI is? What SPI is?
Main Frameworks and Appraisal Methods Main Frameworks and Appraisal Methods
Mappings Mappings
ROI for SPI Initiatives ROI for SPI Initiatives
True and False True and False "Maturity Models": the MM-mania
New SPI topics faced New SPI topics faced
Quick Guides Quick Guides
Publications & External References Publications & External References


What SPI is? Starting from mid '80s, a greater attention has been deserved in Software Engineering to the study of software processes, analysing their structure and the best way to be applied for achieving process improvement. "It is a simple task to make things complex, but a complex task to make things simple”, according to Meyer's law. Software process improvement is definable as “the continual and iterative improvement of both the software process and products throught the use of project experiences” (NASA) or as “a deliberate, planned methodology following standardized documentation practices to capture on paper (and in practice) the activities, methods, practices, and transformations that people use to develop and maintain software and the associated products. As each activity, method, practice and transformation is documented, each is analyzed against the standard value added to the organization” (Szymanski & Neff) or again “a plan derived from the recommendations of a SPA that identifies the specific process capability and performance” (M.Paulk, SEI) and “action taken to change an organization's business need and achieve its business goals more effectively” (ISO, SPICE project, Part 9) where each of these definition “gathers” one of the possible dimension, from iterativity, to the need for documentation, to Software Process Assessment as its starting point, till the achievement of company's goals.
Four basic pillars (Kuntz)
  • evolution is possible, and requires time and resources;
  • a greater process maturity reduces risks and increases performance;
  • evolution implies there is a pre-established sequence in order to take under control a process with reference to external factors;
  • maturity will decrease is not constantly maintained.

    References for the Return On Investment (ROI) of Software Process Improvement (SPI) initiatives are a ISERN technical report by El-Eman & Briand and an article by David F.Rico.
    The relationship between Total Quality Management (TQM) and Software Process Improvement (SPI) is summarised in the following image:
    The relationship between TQM and SPI
    where SPI can be seen as the software process side of TQM.

    Main SPI Frameworks and Appraisal Methods
    Maturity is expressed through a nominal scale, usually with a Likert scale (from 1-min to 5-max), retrieving the ideas and concepts from Phil Crosby's studies. Such instantiations are called staged models, where a certain maturity level can be achieved only if all the practices contained in the "n-1" level have been yet successfully performed.


    The first and most famous SPI staged model is undoubtely the Sw-CMM (Software Capability Maturity Model) by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), composed in v1.1 by 18 Key Process Areas (KPA) across the 5 Maturity Levels.
    On the success of this first model, a family of CMMs have been developed at SEI: People-CMM (P-CMM), Software Acquisition CMM (SA-CMM), Systems Engineering (SE-CMM), Integrated Product Development CMM (IPD-CMM).
    Twice a year, SEI reports results from Sw-CMM assessments, from 1987 on, freely downloadable from this page
    But what about the possibility to run a process included in a ML upper than ours? Should it be evaluated in an appraisal or not? And which value could it have? For this reason, an evolution of staged architectures was deployed in the mid '90s, called continuous models, where each process defined in the model can be evaluated on its own, no matter to a predefined order of processes, just an evaluation of most relevant processes for that company/SBU under assessment. Most relevant models with this new architecture type were (in order of appearance): SE-CMM, SPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) and CMMI.

    SPICE (ISO/IEC TR-2 15504:1998)

    The ISO model for SPI was the JTC1/SC7/WG10 standard named SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination), improving the well-proven structure of Sw-CMM and refining the list of processes of ISO/IEC IS 12207:1995, on a continuous, bi-dimensional architecture (the two dimensions are: capability and process ones). This new standard (the newest version should be released in mid 2005, with a new process category: ACQ, for acquisition processes) subdivides 40 processes into three groups:
    • primary processes,
    • organization processes
    • support processes,

    More relevant websites for SPICE are:

    CMMI (Capability Maturity Models Integration)

    SEI started in 1997 to work on the evolution of Sw-CMM, trying to integrate the several maturity model that an ICT company could have been separately implemented at the same time, on the experience also of the FAA i-CMM and the bi-dimensional architecture introduced with SPICE. CMMI would be a transition continuous model between Sw-CMM and the newest SPICE release, according to the notes in several CMMI documents, even if it seems difficult to really think it will be dismissed in few years. Some differences:
    • the first one in the process groups, four in CMMI (process, project, engineering, support) and five in SPICE (Customer, Engineering, Supporting, Organizational, Management)
    • two architecture versions in CMMI (staged, continuous), while just the continuous one in SPICE
    • the four versions for CMMI (sw, se/sw, se/sw/ipd, se/sw/ipd/ss), just one (sw) for SPICE
    • different assessment rules for CMMI (ARC, types A-B-C), while just one only in SPICE
    • CMMI is a de facto standard by SEI, while SPICE (ISO/IEC TR-2 15504) is an international de jure standard by ISO/IEC
    More relevant websites for CMMI are:
    The following table tries to summarise main SPI models and related appraisal methods with hyperlinks, where available, to access directly models/methods original documents or relevant information on them.

    Software Engineering CBA-IPI IP SCE Based on:

  • CMM Appraisal Framework (CAF)
  • Maturity Questionnaire(MQ)
  • SE-CMM
    Systems Engineering SE-CMM Appraisal Method (SAM) v1.1
    Software Acquisition SA-CMM Maturity Questionnaire
    Integrated Product Development
    People Management P-CMM Based Assessment Method Description or
    Using SCAMPI for P-CMM Appraisals
    P-CMM (upd)
    People Management
    FAA i-CMM
    Integration of CMMs FAM - FAA-iCMM Appraisal Method v2.0
    Test Maturity Model Maturity Questionnaire
    Testing CMM Maturity Questionnaire
    Trusted CMM
    Systems Engineering SECM Appraisal Method
    Systems Security Engineering SSAM 2.0, w/Data Tracking Sheet
    Measurement CMM
    IT-Service CMM
    ICT Services A2I (Assessment To Improvement)
    Usability Maturity Model
    Team Roadmap
    Team Maturity Model
    Schmietendorf & Scholz
    Performance Engineering
    Maturity Questionnaire
    Bootstrap Institute
    Software Engineering
    Software Engineering ISO/IEC TR-2 15504-5:1998
    Software Engineering for SMEs Questionnaire
    Software Engineering for SMEs
    Software Engineering for SMEs
    Business model
    Object Oriented
    CMMI Sw
    - Staged
    - Continuous
    Software Engineering SCAMPI 1.1 for Class A appraisals and this other handbook for Class B and C appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.1
    - Staged
    - Continuous
    Systems+Software Engineering SCAMPI 1.1 for Class A appraisals and this other handbook for Class B and C appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.1
    - Staged
    - Continuous
    Systems + Software + Integrated Prod. SCAMPI 1.1 for Class A appraisals and this other handbook for Class B and C appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.1
    - Staged
    - Continuous
    Systems + Software + Integr.Prod. + Supplier SCAMPI 1.1 for Class A appraisals and this other handbook for Class B and C appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.1
    - Staged + Continuous
    Systems+Software + Integr.Prod. + Supplier SCAMPI 1.2 for Class A appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.2
    - Staged + Continuous
    Acquisition SCAMPI 1.2 for Class A appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.2
    Staged + Continuous
    Service Management SCAMPI 1.2 for Class A appraisals (Based on: ARC 1.2

    As illustrated, current version of CMMI model(s) is v1.2, released on August 25, 2006.
    Main changes in version 1.2 are reported in a list of files provided here (in details: model changes, SCAMPI A Appraisal Method changes and Training changes). Apart from little, fairly minor changes, as described by M.Phillips in a column in a recent issue of "News@SEI":
    - to unify the staged and the continuous versions into a unique, single handbook in order to reduce complexity
    - to eliminate common features and advanced practices
    - to (eventually) integrate SAM and ISM process areas
    - to stress more the relevance of achieving customer satisfaction in the informative material
    - to (eventually) broaden the coverage of the development environment (currently covered only by the OEI process area
    - to consider more the "service management" perspective
    - to update also SCAMPI
    But the new version 1.3 is coming out: here some anticipations about the points in discussions for an eventual inclusion by 2010 in the different constellations.

    When is it possible to map models?
    A common issue is the request to map objects with a different inner nature. So, it is no so unfrequently to read: how can I map SixSigma with CMM or PMBOK and CMMI (BTW, this presentation by B.Groarke about a joint application of the two at the SSC San Diego)? Or again: in which way can I use MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) deliverables with CMMI?
    The first question before trying to answer should be: are the "things" intended to compare "comparable"? Are they entities of the same "nature"? The answer is that is not possible to compare a technique with a process model; at least it is possible to qualitatively analyze the way a technique can be used within a certain process or set of processes. In such sense, for instance, it is interesting a 2002 SEI technical note from P.Solomon about the way CMMI can be used to improve Earned Value Management. Mappings available
    Next table presents some mappings among SPI models available on the Web. When a direct mapping does not exists, it would be possible to cross other related existing mappings in order to derive - with care - that relationship.
    ISO 9001:2000
    EIA/IS 731
    SE-CMM v1.1
    ISO 9001:2000
    EIA/IS 731
    SE-CMM v1.1

    Not referenced in the table, since it's more an integration than a mapping, People CMM v2 supports integrated product development teams in the IPPD extensions of CMMI v1.1.

    Other sources about the comparison between CMMI and RUP:
    A tutorial by B.Gallagher & L.Brownsword
    A Rational whitepaper for achieving CMMI ML2 using IBM Rational's solutions, including RUP, updating a previous paper about how to achieve Sw-CMM ML2/3 with RUP
    Enhancing RUP for CMMI compliance: a methodological approach
    A CMMI Maturity Level 2 assessment of RUP, by M.Grundmann (Dec2005)

    ROI for SPI Initiatives
    One of the most relevant questions about implementing an SPI initiative is: how much will it return and how many months for the break-even point? Several papers and presentations tried during last years to describe and report experiences for providing ROI values. Here there is a short list of references about this interesting issue:

    the 1997 report by Khaled El Emam & Lionel Briand on "Cost and Benefits of Software Process Improvement" (ISERN-97-12)
    a more recent report always by Khaled, dated 2003, on ROI models for Static Analysis Tools (you need to register to the SEIR for free to access it)
    the DACS's Software TechNews vol.5 no.4
    An STSC2002 Conference presentation by J.Statz & B.Solon
    IEEE Software - Vol 21 No.3 (May/June 2004) -- ROI in the Software Industry
    A new book by David F.Rico, with a series of related metrics
    A recent SEI Special Report on the Demonstration of the impact and benefits of CMMI, that's an evolution ten years ago from the SEI/CMU-94-TR-013 document (see also this 1999 presentation by the Process Group based on those SEI data)
    "ROI from SPI" by Sami Zahran
    A 1999 TechReport by T.McGibbon (DACS) - A Busines Case for SPI (revised): measuring ROI from SwEngineering & Management
    A 1997 paper by Herb Krasner on the payoff for these initiatives
    A list of articles and technical reports (most of them with URLs) from the Software Productivity Consortium
    An experience in a Sw-CMM ML5 company by K.Dymond, V.Govilkar & A.Kumar

    True and False "Maturity Models": the MM-mania
    Looking at the different existing SPI models, it seems to be a misuse of the "Maturity Model" labeling: read for instance this paper on the "MM"-mania (in the following, we list th 34 models with related links/websites, for your eventual interest, where available):

    1. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
    2. Capability Maturity Model for Software (SW-CMM)
    3. People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM)
    4. Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model (SA-CMM)
    5. Software Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SE-CMM)
    6. Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model (IPD-CMM)
    7. IT Service Capability Maturity Model (IT Service CMM)
    8. Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3)
    9. Services Maturity Model
    10. Self-Assessment Maturity Model (SAMM)
    11. Testing Maturity Model (TMM)
    12. Web Services Maturity Model
    13. Security Maturity Model (SMM)
    14. Operations Maturity Model
    15. e-Learning Maturity Model
    16. e-Government Maturity Model
    17. Earned Value Management Maturity Model (EVM3)
    18. Outsourcing Management Maturity Model
    19. Change Proficiency Maturity Model
    20. Performance Engineering Maturity Model (PEMM)
    21. IT Architecture Maturity Model (ACMM)
    22. Information Process Maturity Model (IPMM)
    23. Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM)
    24. Programme Management Maturity Model (PMMM)
    25. Learning Management Maturity Model (LM3)
    26. Automated Software Testing Maturity Model
    27. Website Maturity Model
    28. PM2 Maturity Model
    29. Internet Maturity Model
    30. Usability Maturity Model
    31. Software Reliability Engineering Maturity Model
    32. System Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM)
    33. Configuration Management Maturity Model
    34. Broccoli Maturity Model

    But the list does not end here: there are also:
    - Software Maintenance Maturity Model (S3M)
    - Risk Management Maturity Model (RMMM)
    - e-Government Maturity Model
    - Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM), by B.Curtis & C.Weber (and a presentation by D.Ho on the state-of-the-art on Process Maturity Models, dated 2004)
    - Documentation Maturity Model (DMM)
    - Metrics Data Base Maturity Model (MDBMM)
    - ISM3 (Information Security Management Maturity Model)
    - Agile Maturity Model (AMM) (see Slide 26/31)
    - KPI Rule Maturity Model (RMM)
    - Requirement Maturity Model (RMM)
    - PRTM Customer Requirement Maturity Model (RMM)
    - IBM/Rational Requirement Maturity Model (RMM)
    - Supply Chain Maturity Model (SCMM)
    A MM should be intended in the way Phil Crosby produced his Quality Management Maturity Grid and be referred in the Sw-CMM way to the "process" entity).
    An example of this trend is an interesting technique (not a model), called OSSM (Open Source Maturity Model), with the aim to help in comparing and choosing OS products. Reading the document, the "maturity" in OSMM is referred to the "OS product maturity to be evaluated" and also "model" is not properly used, since it is described a 7-steps procedure for evaluating OS products for selection according to several indicators (also here the "product indicators" seem to be expressed as a two-tier quality model, as ISO/IEC 9126, with 4 characteristics and 12 metrics).

    New SPI topics faced
    Starting from the analysis of technical literature, some interesting topics are open for discussion. In particular:

    • TQM vs. SPI: what is the right balance?: a paper included into the IRIS20 proceedings by Peter BØttcher discussed this interesting issue. Again, Mark Paulk dedicated a huge part of a SEI "Q&A" document in order to propose the differences and complementarities between the two
    • Creativity vs. SPI: how creativity can be properly evaluated in "rigid" implementation schemas? In this paper we proposed some ideas and a metric about how to identify if creativity is properly managed or not in an organization. The question has been discussed since a long time and an interesting paper was the one by James Bach on the 1994 September issue of American Programmer, stressing the problem with a staged approach for some particular KPAs such as the one devoted to creativity & innovation
    • How to choose the right SPI framework? From the technical viewpoint, there are at least four criteria to take into account when evaluating which SPI model to adopt for your organization:
      Firstly, the choice of an SPI model must affort firstly in the domain faced by a certain model (referring to the above table, you could see the "Domain" column).
      Secondly, looking at the groups of processes included in that model and level of granularity in their description; do they fit with your exigencies or not? are they sufficiently wide to cover your typical activities? are they sufficiently detailed to reach the desired level of description with the right process notation
      Thirdly, looking at the representation type (staged vs. continuous, as discussed after); which is your objective in assessing your organization?
      Finally, the assessment method applied to the selected SPI model; is it sufficiently granular in order to "make a real photo" of your organization? could it suggest you how to improve for the future?
      Of course, these criteria must be complemented with other ones from the business viewpoint, such as: diffusion of that model, recognizability, (eventual) related certification schemes, etc...
      A more structured approach is the one defined by the European Software Institute (ESI), based on 4 categories (general information, critical characteristics, desired characteristics, and additional characteristics) to be rated against the Measurement criteria listed.
      Finally, it is interesting the evolutionary view proposed by David Rico with 7 criteria for moving from past to future SPI models.
    • Continuous or staged version for a certain SPI model?: this is a comprehensive post with some considerations about the opportunities in choosing the proper version to adopt
    • Which usage of Process Asset Libraries (PAL) and which software solution can be adopted
    • Hybridization between SPI and Performance Management models
    • Contractual use of Maturity Models: more and more MMs are used also in ICT contracts. This white paper proposes some thoughts on the current state-of-the-art and possible ways to overcome some bottlenecks for a more proficient and wider adoption of MM in the ICT community, also by Small-Medium Enterprises (SME)
    while some other practical questions are, for instance, about:
    • XP (eXtremeProgramming), SLC (Software Lifecycles) and the Sw-CMM: what are the differences?
    • the way Six Sigma and CMMI can be properly used together in the ICT world
    • RUP and CMMI: mappings available right now
    • "Measurement & Analysis" Process Area in CMMI: some thoughts moving from Sw-CMM to CMMI
    • Which could be some parameters for evaluating a SCAMPI assessor?
    • Peer Reviews: how much do they cost?

    Quick Guides
    When dealing with SPI models, you have to read a hundreds of pages. Therefore, in the everyday practice, it could be useful a 'summary' of main elements. Here in the following there are some 'quick guides' on a two-fold A4 sheet. In particular:


    L.Buglione Misurare il software. Quantità, Qualità, Standards e Miglioramento di processo nell'Information & Communication Technology, 3rd Edition, Franco Angeli, 2008 (Chapter 4)
    L.Buglione, Proposal for a new UI paradigm, Proceedings of the Workshop "Dialogo e modelli di utente nelle interfacce intelligenti", 6° AI*IA Conference, Padova, Italy, September 23-25, 1998
    L.Buglione, N.Quintano & D.Reo, Balanced IT Scorecard and EFQM: A Balanced Approach to Performance Measurement for Software Intensive Organisations, Proceedings of the 2nd European Software Measurement Conference - FESMA 1999, October 4-8, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-76019-07-X, pp. 415-426 Click to read the abstract
    D.Reo, N.Quintano & L.Buglione, Measuring Software Development - There is more than just measuring software!, Proceedings of the 2nd European Software Measurement Conference - FESMA 1999, October 4-8, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-76019-07-X, pp. 391-402 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Achieving Business Excellence in SPI: Applying the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model in Industry, 3rd International Software Quality Week Europe 1999 (QWE'99), 1-5 November 1999, Brussels, Belgium Click to read the abstract
    L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Improving business results in Software Intensive Organisations through the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model, Software Process Improvement 1999 Conference (SPI99) , 30 November - 3 December 1999, Barcelona, Spain click to download the abstract
    L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model: a TQM approach to Software Process Improvement, SPICE2000 Conference , June 10–11, 2000, Limerick, Ireland, Proceedings (Editor T.P. Rout), pp. 207-218
    L.Buglione & E.Ostolaza, Improving business results in Software Intensive Organisations through the EFQM/SPICE Integrated Model, 44th Congress of the European Organization for Quality , June 12– 16, 2000, Budapest, Hungary, Proceedings Vol.3, HU ISBN 963-00-3180-9, pp. 285-296
    L.Buglione & A.Abran, Creativity and Innovation in SPI: an exploratory paper on their measurement, in "Current Trends in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the IWSM 2001 (11th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Montréal, Québec (Canada), August 28-29, 2001, Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8265-9681-1, pp. 112-126
    J.M. Desharnais, A.Abran, A.Mayers, L.Buglione & V.Bevo, Knowledge Modeling for the Design of a KBS in the Functional Size Measurement Domain, in "Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering & Allied Technologies", Eds:E.Damiani, R.J.Howlett, L.C.Jain & N.Ichalkaranje, ISBN 1-5860-280-1, pp.26-31, IOS Press, Proceedings of KES2002 (6th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems), Podere d'Ombriano - Crema (Italy), September 16-18, 2002 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    L.Buglione & A.Abran, ICEBERG: a different look at Software Project Management, IWSM2002 in "Software Measurement and Estimation", Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2002), October 7-9, 2002, Magdeburg (Germany), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-0765-1, pp. 153-167 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    L.Buglione & A.Abran, Assessment of Measurement Indicators in SPI Frameworks, IWSM2003, in "Investigations in Software Measurement", Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2003), September 23-25, 2003, Montréal (Canada), Shaker Verlag, ISBN 3-8322-1880-7, pp. 287-309 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    L.Buglione, Sistemi Informativi & modelli di Software Process Improvement: relazioni e impatti, Proceedings of itAIS2005, 2nd Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, 1-2 December 2005, Verona (Italy) Click to read the abstract
    L.Buglione & C.Dekkers, A Murphological View on Software Measurement: a serious joke or a funny serious thing?, Proceedings of SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 10-12 May 2006, Rome (Italy), pp. 315-329 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    Buglione L.& Cislaghi M., Valutare i processi nelle organizzazioni ICT: oltre la ISO 19011, Qualità, Rivista dell'AICQ, Augusta Edizioni, Luglio/Agosto 2006, pp.4-8
    L.Buglione & A.Abran, ODC and CMMI: Introducing the Root-Cause Analysis at Lower Maturity Levels, Proceedings of MENSURA 2006 (1st International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Cadiz (Spain), November 6-8 2006 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    Bégnoche L., Abran A. & Buglione L., A Measurement Approach Integrating ISO 15939, CMMI and ISBSG, Proceedings of the 4th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2007), Rome (Italy), May 9-11 2007, ISBN 9-788870-909425, pp.111-130 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    Buglione L., Maturity Models: modelli esclusivi o integrabili?, Qualità On-Line, Rivista dell'AICQ, Novembre 2007 click to download the paper
    Buglione L., Dell'uso contrattuale dei Maturity Models (e non solo), De Qualitate, Nuovo Studio Tecna, Febbraio 2008, Anno XVII, N° 2, pp.36-43
    Buglione L., Quanto bisogna essere maturi per usare i modelli di maturità?, Persone & Conoscenze, Aprile 2008, No.38, Edizioni ESTE, pp.49-54
    Buglione L., Strengthening CMMI Maturity Levels with a Quantitative Approach to Root-Cause Analysis, Proceedings of the 5th Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF 2008), Milan (Italy), 28-30 May 2008, ISBN 9-788870-909999, pp. 67-82 click to download the paper Click to read the abstract
    Buglione L., Rejas-Muslera R., Cuadrado-Gallego J.J., Strengthening Maturity Levels by a Legal Assurance process, EuroSPI2 2008 , European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation, Dublin (Ireland), 3-5 September 2008 Click to read the abstract

    External References
    Datta S., Effects of Changing Requirements: A Tracking Mechanism for the Analysis Workflow, Technical Report, FSU-SCS-2005-108, Florida State University, School of Computational Science, 2005
    Chaur Bernal J., Diseño conceptual de productos asistido por ordenador: Un estudio analítico sobre aplicaciones y definición de la estructura básica de un nuevo programa , Ph.D. Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Espana), June 2005
    Santana Tapia R., Daneva M. & van Eck P., Developing an Inter-Enterprise Alignment Maturity Model: Research Challenges and Solutions, Technical Report, University of Twente (Netherlands), May 2007
    Al Qutaish R., SPQMM: A Software Product Quality Maturity Model Using ISO/IEEE Standards, Metrology and Sigma Concepts, Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS), Montréal (Canada), 21 June 2007
    Casey C., Do Software Developers Need The Personal Software Process?, Department of Computing, University of Central Lancashire (UK), 2000
    Calvo Medrano J.M. & Minguet Mélian J.M., Medida de las subcaracterísticas Capacidad de Análisis y Capacidad de Cambio mediante la norma ISO/IEC 9126, Febrero 2007
    Salviano C., Melhoria e Avaliação de Processo de Software com o Modelo ISO/IEC 15504-5:2006, CURSO DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO, “LATO SENSU” (ESPECIALIZAÇÃO) A DISTÂNCIA MELHORIA DE PROCESSO DE SOFTWARE, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão - FAEPE, Lavras - MG
    H Liu, KG Hao, Cause Analysis Method of Software Defect, Computer Science, 2009, Vol 36 No.1
    C. Yayogo Ikenaga, Gestao da Terceirizaçao de Serviços de TI: Um Estudo de Caso, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Mestrado Em Tecnologia, Centro Estadual De Educaçao Tecnologica Paula Souza, Maio 2008

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