IFIP WG8.2&WG8.6 - Helsinki, December 1998 |
IRIS 20, August 9-12, 1997 - Oslo (Norway) |
European Software Day 1999, Milan (Italy), September 10, 1999 |
Metrics99, Boca Raton, FL (USA), November 4-6, 1999 |
ESCOM 99 |
STC Conference Proceedings - Slides (1994-2002) |
ICSE99 - International Workshop on Computer-Based Software Engineering |
PROFES'99 Proceedings - June 22-24, 1999 - Oulu (Finland) |
IWSM99, Mont St.Tremblant, Québec (Canada) - September 1999 |
ESCOM-SCOPE 2000, 18-20th April, Munich (Germany) |
PROFES 2000 (Keynote Speeches), June 20-22, 2000, Oulu (Finland) |
FEAST2000 (Preprints), July 10 - 12, 2000, London (UK) |
IRIS 23, August 12-15, Lingatan (Sweden) |
CONQUEST 2000, September 13-15 2000, Nuremberg (Germany) |
IWSM2000, October 4-6 2000, Berlin (Germany) |
FESMA/AEMES 2000, Madrid (Spain), October 18-20, 2000 |
2001 SEPG in Asia , February 22-23 2001, New Delhi (India) |
ESCOM 2001, April 2-6 2001, London (UK) |
EDSER-3 2001, May 14-15, 2001 - Toronto (Canada) |
IRIS 24, August 11-14, 2001 - Ulvik in Hardanger (Norway) |
NASA SEW (Software Engineering Workshops) -- Years from 1996 |
NDIA Conferences (about CMMI: 2001,
QAOOSE Workshops (programs & papers), from 1998 |
IWSQE'02, September 19, 2002 - Denia (Spain) |
QAOOSE2002, June 11, 2002 - Malaga (Spain) |
CSEET'03 KeyNotes Slides, March 22-24, 2003 - Madrid (Spain) |
PSM Users Conferences Presentations (from 1997) |
ICSE 2003 Workshop on "Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction" |
ISCN Resources |
CUSEC Conferences Archives |
IWSQE'03, May 9, 2003 - Denia (Spain) |
ALOIS 2003, March 1-3, 2003 - Linkopping (Sweden) |
1st Toronto-Based Process & Methodology Seminar
, September 30, 2003 - Toronto (Canada) |
(SE)22003presentations, April 1-2, 2003 - Huntsville, (USA) |
SEPG India 2003, July 28-August 2, 2003 - Toronto (Canada) |
SEI SEPG Conferences (2003, 2004) |
PSM TWG 2003, March 2003 - Herndon, VA (USA) |
LA-Web 2003, 1st Latin American Web Congress, November 10-12, 2003 - Santiago (Chile) |
17th Int. Forum on COCOMO and SwCost Modeling, Los Angeles, CA (USA), October 22-25, 2002 |
18th Int. Forum on COCOMO and SwCost Modeling, Los Angeles, CA (USA), October 21-24, 2003 |
CUSEC 2004 Selected presentations, January 15-17, 2004 |
SPI Newspaper from ESPI |
SE2 2004 Proceedings, March 29-31, 2004 |
METRICS 2004 Late Breaking Papers |
SMEF Conferences (2004,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010) |
SEPG 2005 Presentation, March 2005 |
IWSM 2005 Papers & Presentations, September 12-14, 2005
METRICS 2005 Workshop on Methods for Learning Metrics, September 19, 2005 |
ESMA 2005 Papers & Presentations, September 27, 2005
PNSQ Conferences (1997-) |
CUSEC 2005 Selected presentations, January 2005 |
CUSEC 2006 Selected presentations, January 2006 |
SEPG 2006 Presentations, March 2006 |
MSM 2007 Proceedings, September 2007 |
AWSEC 2007 Proceedings, April 10-13, 2007 |
ESEC/FSE 2007 Keynotes Presentations, September 2007 |
ACOSM Presentations:
PROMISE 2009, Conference Presentations |
XP 2010
last update: April 19, 2011