Program Committees (PC) IWSM 2001, 11th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Montréal, Québec (Canada), 28-29 August 2001
ISTUD Master in E-Business (2001 edition), Stresa (Italy), May 2001-April 2002
IWSM 2002, 12th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Madgeburg (Germany), 7-9 October 2002
ISTUD Master in Customer Relationship Management (2002 edition), Stresa (Italy)
IWSM 2003, 13th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Montréal, Québec (Canada), 23-25 September 2003
ISESE 2003, 2nd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, Frascati, Rome (Italy), 30 September-1 October 2003
WQW'2003, 1st International Web Services Quality Workshop, 13 December 2003, Rome (Italy)
Co-Chair Stream2 (Sw Engineering) - IWSS 2004, 6-8 September 2004, Istanbul (Turkey)
IWSM/Metrikon 2004, 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Berlin (Germany), 2-5 November 2004
WQW'2004, 2nd Int. Web Services Quality Workshop, 22-24 November 2004, Brisbane (Australia)
SMEF2005, 2nd Software Measurement European Forum, 16-18 March 2005, Rome (Italy)
IASTED WTAS 2005 IASTED International Conference on Web Technologies, Applications and Services, 4-6 July 2005, Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
IWSM 2005, 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement), Montréal, Québec (Canada), 12-14 September 2005
METRICS 2005, Industry Track, 11th International Software Metrics Symposium), Como (Italy), 19-22 September 2005
SMEF 2006, 3rd Software Measurement European Forum, 10-12 May 2006, Rome (Italy)
REProManQA, Workshop on the Interplay of Requirements Engineering and Project Management in Quality Assurance , Luxembourg, 6 June 2006
IASTED WTAS 2006 IASTED International Conference on Web Technologies, Applications and Services, 17-19 July 2006, Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
CONQUEST 2006, 9th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Software Technology, Software Quality in Service-Oriented Architectures, Berlin(Germany), 27-29 September 2006
IWSM/Metrikon 2006, 16th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Postdam (Germany), 2-3 November 2006
MENSURA 2006, International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, Cadiz (Spain), 6-8 November 2006
SMEF 2007, 4th Software Measurement European Forum, 9-11 May 2007, Rome (Italy)
SEAA 2007, 33th EuroMicro Conference - Special Session on Software Management, 27-31 August 2007, Lübeck (Germany)
ESEM 2007, International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Madrid (Spain), 21 September 2007
IWSM/MENSURA 2007, 17th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 5-7 November 2007 (Industry Track Co-Chair)
MeREP 2007, Workshop on Measuring Requirements for Project and Product Success, held within IWSM/MENSURA 2007, 17th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 6 November 2007
ISA 2008, 1st International Conference on Information Security & Assurance, Busan (Korea), 24-28 April 2008
SMEF 2008, 5th Software Measurement European Forum, 28-30 May 2008, Milan (Italy)
ECIS 2008, Track on "Strategic Management of IS and IT", 16th European Conference on Information Systems, Galway (Ireland), 15-19 June 2008
SECAD 2008, 2nd International Workshop on "Software Engineering Challenges in the Automotive Domain", Turku (Finland), 28 July - 1 August 2008
SEAA 2008, 34th EuroMicro Conference - 2ndSpecial Session on Software Management, 3-5 September 2008, Parma (Italy)
DMVE 2008, 1st International Workshop on Data Modeling in Virtual Environments, Turin (Italy), 1-5 September 2008
4WCSQ, 4th World Congress on Software Quality, Washington D.C., MD (USA), 15-19 September 2008
ESEM 2008, 2nd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Kaiserslautern (Germany), 9-10 October 2008
IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2008, 18th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Munich (Germany), 18-19 November 2008
ASEA 2008, Conference on "Advanced Software Engineering & Its Applications", Hainan Island (China), 13-15 December 2008
SecTech 2008, International Conference on International Conference on Security Technology , Hainan Island (China), 13-15 December 2008
C3S2E, Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 19-21 May 2009, Montréal (Canada)
SMEF 2009, 6th Software Measurement European Forum, 28-29 May 2009, Rome (Italy)
ECIS 2009, 17th European Conference on Information Systems, Verona (Italy), 8-10 June 2009
SEAA 2009, 34th EuroMicro Conference - 3rdSpecial Session on Software Management, 27-29 August 2009, Patras (Greece)
EuroSPI2 2009, 16th European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference, 2-4 September 2009, Alcalà, Madrid (Spain)
IWSM/Metrikon/MENSURA 2009, 19th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 4-6 November 2009
C3S2-10E, Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 19-21 May 2010, Montréal (Canada)
SERA 2010, 8th ACIS Conference on Software Engineering Research, management & Appliactions, Montréal (Canada), 24-26 May 2010
ECIS 2010, 18th European Conference on Information Systems, Pretoria (South Africa), 6-9 June 2010
SMEF 2010, 7th Software Measurement European Forum, 10-11 June 2010, Rome (Italy)
PROFES 2010, 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Limerick (Ireland), 21-23 June 2010
WERSBuS 2010, 1st 1st Workshop on Evidence-based Research for Software Business Success, Limerick (Ireland), 21 June 2010
AST 2010, International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology, Miyazaki (Japan), 23-25 June 2010
SEAA 2010, 36th EuroMicro Conference - 4rdSpecial Session on Software Management, 1-3 September 2010, Lille (France)
EuroSPI2 2010, 17th European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference, 1-3 September 2010, Grenoble (France)
SUCOMS 2010 , 1st International Conference on Security-enriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid, 15-17 September 2010, Daejeon (Korea)
ECEI 2010 , 5th European Conference on Enterpreneurship and Innovation, 16-17 September 2010, Athens (Greece)
ESEM 2010, 4th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering Measuerment, Bolzano (Italy), 18 September 2010
EPIC 2010, 1st Workshop on Evidence-based Research for Software Business Research, Bolzano (Italy), 18 September 2010
IWSM/MENSURA/MetriKon 2010, 20th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Stuggart(Germany), 10-11 November 2010
SecTech 2010, International Conference on International Conference on Security Technology, Cebu (Philippines), 11-13 November 2010
ASEA 2010, Conference on "Advanced Software Engineering & Its Applications", Bali (Indonesia), 9-11 December 2010
ICSEMA'10, International Conference on Software Engineering, Management and Applications, Kathmandu (Nepal), 9-11 December 2010
XP 2011, 12th Int. Conference on Agile Software Development, Madrid (Spain), 10-13 May 2011
VALSOT 2011 , 1st Int. Workshop on Value-Based Software Traceability (@ XP2011), Madrid (Spain), 10-13 May 2011
C3S2-11E, 4th Int. Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 16-18 May 2011, Montréal (Canada)
SPICE 2011, 11th International SPICE Conference on Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination in Software, Systems and Service Management, Dublin (Ireland), May 30-June 1 2011
EPIC 2011, 3rd Workshop on Evidence-based Research for Software Business Research (@ ICSOB 2011), Brussels (Belgium), 7 June 2011
SMEF 2011, 8th Software Measurement European Forum, 9-10 June 2011, Rome (Italy)
PROFES 2011, 12th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Bari (Italy), 20-22 June 2011
EuroSPI2 2011, 18th European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference, 27-29 June 2011, Roskilde (Denmark)
SNPD 2011, 12th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,
Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 6-8 July 2011, Sydney (Australia)
SERA 2011, 9th ACIS Conference on Software Engineering Research, management & Applications, Baltimore (USA), 10-12 August 2011
SEAA 2011, 37th EuroMicro Conference - 5rdSpecial Session on Software Management, August 30 - September 2 2011, Oulu (Finland)
SUCOMS 2011 , 2nd International Conference on Security-enriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid, 21-23 September 2010, Hualien (Taiwan)
ESEM 2011, 5th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering Measurement - Short Papers, Calgary (Canada), 22-23 September 2011
2nd Eastern European and Mediterranean Software Process Improvement Conference, Zamudio, Bilbao (Spain), October 6-7 2011
22nd UKSMA Annual Conference, UKSMA/COSMIC Joint Conference, London (UK), October 27-28 2011
5WCSQ, 5th World Congress on Software Quality, Shanghai (China), October 31-November 4 2011
IWSM/MENSURA 2011, 21th International Workshop on Software Measurement, Nara (Japan), 3-4 November 2011
SERA 2012, 10th ACIS Conference on Software Engineering Research, management & Appliactions, Kunming (China), 16-18 April 2012
XP 2012, 13th Int. Conference on Agile Software Development, Malmö (Sweden), 21-25 May 2012
SPICE 2012, 12th International SPICE Conference on Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination in Software, Systems and Service Management, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), May 29-31 2012
PROFES 2012, 13th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Madrid (Spain), 13-15 June 2012
EuroSPI2 2012, 19th European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference, 25-27 June 2012, Vienna (Austria)
SNDP 2012, 13th ACIS Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Kyoto (Japan), 6-8 August 2012
Workshops Organized SMEKA-SWEBOK, International Workshop on a Software Measurement Knowledge Area for the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 8 November 2007
MeSVAM 2010, Special Session on Software Measurement as a Strategy
for Software Value Management (@ SERA 2010), Montréal (Canada), 24-26 May 2010
S3M'10, 1st Workshop on Software Maintenance Maturity Models, Limerick (Ireland), 21 June 2010
MeSVAM 2011, Special Session on Software Measurement as a Strategy
for Software Value Management (@ Euromicro/SEAA 2011), Oulu (Finland), 30 August - 2 September 2011
VALOIR 2011, Workshop on Managing the Client Value Creation Process in Agile Projects (@ PROFES 2011), Torre Canne (Italy), 20 June 2011
Technical Reviews: Conferences CCCT 2004, International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Austin, TX (USA), 14-17 August 2004
WMSCI 2005, 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), 10-13 July 2005
RMCI 2005, Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), 10-13 July 2005
EISTA 2005, 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Orlando, FL (USA), 14-17 July 2005
CCCT'05, 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Orlando, FL (USA), 24-27 July 2005
SEPG 2006, 18th Annual Premiere Conference, Nashville, Tennessee (USA), 6-9 March 2006
ISIE'06, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Montréal, Québec (Canada), 9-13 July 2006
RMCI 2006, 3rd Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), 16-19 July 2006
KCC 2006, International Symposium on
Knowledge Communication and Conferences, Orlando, FL (USA), 16-19 July 2006
RMCI 2007, 4th Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), 8-11 July 2007
WMSCI 2007, 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), 8-11 July 2007
KCC 2007, 2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Conferences, Orlando, FL (USA), 8-11 July 2007
EISTA 2007, 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Orlando, FL (USA), 12-15 July 2007
INDIN 2007, 5th IEEE Int. Conference on Industrial Informatics, Vienna (Austria), 23-27 July 2007
ICIT 2008, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Chengdu (China), 21-24 April 2008
SEPG 2008 Europe, Munich (Germany), 10-13 June 2008
RMCI 2008, 5th Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), June 29 - July 2 2008
WMSCI 2008, 12nd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), June 29 - July 2 2008
IMETI 2008, 1st International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Orlando, FL (USA), June 29 - July 2 2008
SEPG 2009 North America, Annual Premiere Conference, San Jose, CA (USA), 23-26 March 2009
IMCIC 2010, 14nd Int. Conference on Comlexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, FL (USA), April 6-9 2010
WMSCI 2010, 14nd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), June 29 - July 2 2010
RMCI 2010, 7th Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), June 29 - July 2 2010
IMCIC, 2nd Int. Multi-conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Orlando, FL (USA), March 27-30 2011
ICETI 2011, 2nd Int. Conference on Education, Training and Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), March 27-30 2011
EISTA 2011, 9th Int. Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, Orlando, FL (USA), July 19-22 2011
RMCI 2011, 8th Int. Symposium on Risk Management and Cyber-Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), July 19-22 2011
WMSCI 2011, 15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL (USA), July 19-22 2011